Basics of Using GoalLancer Income Tracker

1. Open the file in a program that can edit and read .XLS documents.
Use Microsoft Excel or its free alternative, OpenOffice Calc. Do not use MS Excel Viewer.

2. Select the month you want to start with by clicking on the month tab at the bottom of the screen.

    3. The top rows down to the client names are frozen.
    This means that you will always be able to see the header titles of the columns even if you scroll down to the bottom of the sheet. You'll be able to see your monthly, daily and yearly totals no matter what day of the month you're working on.

    4. Change "Client 1" and "Client 2," etc. in the top row to the names of your actual clients.

    5. Don't delete any columns  if you have less than 12 clients, unless you know how to re-do Excel formulas. You may not have to, depending on what you delete, but it is possible that deleting a column may break something in the software. Just leave them blank!

    6. If you have more than 12 clients, you can insert columns. The formulas automatically re-adjust. 
    Right-click anywhere in the Client 1 Column and click "Insert." Then, select "Entire column" and click "OK."

    This will cause a new, blank column to appear to the left of the column you clicked on. You can add new client names at the top header cell and enter your daily goals as usual.
    7. Enter your daily goals.
    The green column on the left marks the days of January. Find the row for the first day, then hit the right arrow key until you're under the GOALS column.

    Enter your goal for January 1. Beneath that, enter your goal for January 2, and so on. You can do this one day at a time, one week ahead, or enter your daily goals for the whole month. Your "To Do" column will automatically populate with your goal, and will reduce each time you input earnings for the day in one of your client fields.

    8. Never write anything in the PROGRESS and TO DO columns. These are programmed to automatically populate based on what you put into your earnings and GOALS columns. If you type anything in these two columns, you will overwrite the formula and your totals will be missing data.

    9. Enter your income from each client, every day.
    This will automatically populate your PROGRESS column. Your TO DO column will automatically subtract your earnings from your goal for the day and show you how much you have left to earn in order to meet your daily goal.

    10. Your yearly and monthly goals and progress trackers are at the top, on the right.
    Scroll down to see them. They also automatically populate. You never have to enter anything into any of these cells. This is just for you to see your progress and track your goals.

    11. To work with a different month, just click on the tab for the month at the bottom of the screen. 

    How to Use the Itemized Expense Sheet

    This sheet works in much the same way as the month views work.  

    1. Click on the EXPENSES tab at the bottom to view it.

    2. Customize your expenses.
    You can change "Vendor 1," "Vendor 2," etc., to your unique set of business expenses, i.e., "eBay Fees," "cell phone," "domain names" and so on. Input the expense amount in the row for the correct month, under the column naming the expense.  For example, if you had a column called "Cell Phone" for your cell phone expenses, and you spent $85 on your business phone in June, you'd put $8 in June's row, under "Cell Phone's" column.

    3. Don't type anything in the two right-hand columns.
    These are the two columns with the headers "Monthly Total" and "Monthly Profit. These fields automatically calculate and display your total business expenses for the month ("Monthly Total") and subtract your expenses from your income, displaying your monthly profit. Typing anything in them will overwrite their formulas.

    4.  Don't delete any columns.
    Just like with the income tracker, leave any unused columns blank. If you need to add more expenses, do so the same way you added columns in the income tracker. 

    5. The yearly calculations at the bottom right-hand corner of the table also automatically populate with your yearly expenses, and your profits after deducting them. You don't have to type anything here, either - it's all automatic.

    5. Don't forget to save and regularly back up your work.

    6. I don't really work for Paula Abdul and Ellen Degeneres. :)